Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 8-to Day 11 - Away, Offline and Outside!

I had a great 4 days weekend and my little one and I went to Banff, Alberta and we spent lots of time outside!

We enjoyed the Hot Springs. It was the first time in the Hot Springs for both of us. We were in the water for about 1 hour and it was really great!

We also rode the Gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain. I had been a few times before, but Mia had not been. We stated walking to the weather station (Lots of stairs...) and about halfway there, Mia wanted me to pick her up! I also had a backpack to carry...soooo I put her on my shoulders and went all the way to the weather station and back. She weighs 30 lbs and the backpack was probably around 5 lbs. I got a great workout out of this little experiment!

We also walked all around town to visit the shops. Our last activity was a horse drawn sleigh ride. It was also very nice, but it was pretty chilly. Thank goodness we had blankets to keep us warm and we were dressed in our snow-suits.

Overall a great weekend, although I didn't get my 100 burpees a day done, I made sure I was out and about the entire time. We had a wonderful time and we definitely will plan on another extra long weekend again!!

Friday 17 February 2012

Day 7 - Extra long weekend starting

This is my first 4 day weekend of the year. I find it much harder to stay on track with my diet and exercise when I am away from work. I'm always on the go and I find it makes it much more difficult to plan meals.

I did however stay under my calorie budget today while eating out and I did complete my 100 burpees tonight.

My little one is 3 and a half and when she saw me doing my burpees tonight, she joined in. It was so cute! It's kind of nice to see how kids totally imitate what they see. Here's hoping I can continue to be the role model she needs me to be.

Have a good night!

Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 6 - Heading the right way

My weekly weigh in was this morning and I was happy to see I am 1 lb down from last Thursday!! Since I began this weight loss journey last September, I am now 21.6 lbs lighter.(Yeah!!). I am now 18 lbs away from my goal weight!

This is a slow journey, but I think the fact that it is slow, it will be easier to maintain long term. I have been the ultimate yo-yo dieter...up-down-up-down for years now...This time I want this to be for good, so it can take as long as needed :)

Tonight I complete my 100 burpees, then I completed some weight lifting and did resistance training as well. I feel I am getting stronger and better at this and that actually feels pretty good!

Have a good night!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Day 5 - Weigh In tomorrow

I peaked this morning to see if my weight has gone down in the past week...My actual weekly weigh in is only tomorrow morning, but I was curious. Typically I found that if I work out more than 3 days a week, the scale either does not go down or may even go up!!

This morning's weigh in wasn't totally discouraging, but also not very motivating to keep working out...I lost....drum roll please...0 lbs 0 ounces. It stayed the same as last week. Soooooo, we'll see what tomorrow brings I guess :)

100 more burpees completed today folks! I have actually improved my sets and can now complete 25 burpees in 1 set. That's quite an improvement from 5 days ago where I thought I'd die after doing 2!

Have a great night!!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Day 4 - V Day

Today is Valentine's Day and I ate a Bliss Red Velvet Cupcake....and it was totally worth the 350 calories!
I've been eating 1200 calories a day during my weight loss journey....and I've lost 23 lbs since Sept 2011.

Last September my friend told me about this website called "MyFitnessPal" and I started using this free site to log my daily calorie intake. She told me she lost weight the only way there is to lose weight. Eating right and exercising. she also told me it's all about "calories in and calories out". At the time I thought, Really?!? It's not that simple, but now I have a better understanding of what she was saying.

Yes, I ate a cupcake today, but with my daily exercise routine and my good food choices (other than the cupcake), I still did not go over my daily 1200 calorie budget. I guess it is really all about balance.

And if you're wondering.... I completed my daily 100 burpees again today!!! Yeah!!

Monday 13 February 2012

Day 3 - Oh my!! What was I thinking?!?

Most of us make excuses to explain why we don't work out more. Not enough time is usually one of those excuses for me. I am now realising that yes, time is an easy thing to waste...

Typically on week nights, after the little one is sleeping, I turn on the TV to catch up on my PVR'd shows, but tonight, I did not turn it on. Instead, I decided I had to complete these darn burpees before going to bed.

To be honest, I really didn't feel like even doing even 1 set. All my muscles are aching right now...
ALL OF THEM!! But...I have set out to complete this challenge and I have announced it to many of my co-workers, even sharing this blog address to them. Why?!? To make myself accountable to myself...while others keep me in line as well :)

At the end of the day, I think this whole "getting healthier" journey is about being honest with yourself and feeling good about your accomplishments. This challenge for me is also about setting a seemingly unachievable goal for myself and getting excruciating burpee at a time. 

All this to say...I completed my daily 100!!

Have a great night all!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Day 2 - Surprisingly, I'm still alive

Today is the second day of my 100 burpees for 30 days challenge. I had to get ready for the upcoming week, so I decided to get all my burpees done at once today and guess what? I DID IT!!

No, I'm not a robot. I had to take several breathing/heart attack avoidance breaks, but I kept pushing myself and managed to keep talking myself through the motions until I got them all done.

I am pretty proud of myself today, but I also know I'm not out of the woods yet. After all, this is only the second day of my challenge. Thankfully, I'm pretty good at living one day at a time.

I will keep a diary of this challenge on this blog. I'm sure things will start to get interesting when others decide to join me.