Friday 10 February 2012

100 Burpees for 30 Days Challenge

On my journey to living a healthy life and becoming more active, I've stumbled upon this simple, no equipment needed and challenging exercise called "The Burpee". I'll be honest, I don't like it at all, BUT…it is a very effective form of exercise.
I am challenging myself and each of you to complete 100 burpees a day for 30 days! I know it sounds crazy, I'm not even sure I can pull it off myself, but that's why we call it a challenge :) I will personally break the burpee challenge up to be completed throughout the day (50 morning/50 at night or 33 morning/33 noon/34 night).

Here is some more info on burpees from Wikipedia:
The burpee is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise. It is performed in four steps, and was originally known as a "four-count Burpee":
      1. Begin in a standing position.
      2. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)
      3. Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position. (count 2)
      4. Return to the squat position in one quick motion. (count 3)
      5. Return to an upright standing position. (count 4)
Here is a video which shows you one version of the burpee called "Dead Man's Burpee":

Motivational Quote:
It's never too late to be who you might have been. George Eliot
English novelist (1819 - 1880)

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